Jen: For the next couple days, Sheila Boneham will be our guest at Book Talk. Sheila, will you please share a short bio with us?
Sheila: I have many interests, and have tried to follow a number of them throughout my life. In my teens and early 20s I competed in equestrian events. When I finished college, I went on for my master’s in linguistics, and was fortunate to be able to study, work, and travel in the Middle East and Europe in the 70’s and 80’s. I went back to school for my doctorate in folklore with lots of supporting work in cultural anthropology and linguistics, and then taught writing at several universities. I have also worked as an editor, both salaried and freelance, and I still enjoy editing on a freelance basis. I enjoy teaching writing workshops and classes from time to time, and I speak on writing and on pets to a variety of groups. (I’m always open to possibilities -- )
Jen: Tell us about Rescue Matters: How to Find, Foster, and Rehome Companion Animals: A Guide for Volunteers and Organizers and where it's available.
Sheila: My most recent release – my 17th book – is Rescue Matters: How to Find, Foster, and Rehome Companion Animals: A Guide for Volunteers and Organizers, published by Alpine Publications and released in August 2009. It’s available from all the usual places – Barnes & Noble stores, Borders, and independent booksellers. Remember that booksellers are happy to special order if they don’t have the book in stock. Rescue Matters is also available on line at, (a specialty vendor for dog books), and directly from the publisher at
Jen: At what age did you discover writing and when were you first published? Tell us your call story.
Sheila: Oh my! I think I’ve always been a writer. I wrote my first book when I was about 9. It was about a Cocker Spaniel – shades of things to come, I guess. My first publication was actually a poem published in a city magazine when I was in the 7th grade. I filled many notebooks with writing of all sorts throughout my school years. My first serious publications were academic articles for scholarly journals, published while I was in graduate school and, later, teaching writing at universities in the U.S. and overseas. Eventually I began writing articles about cultural topics and selling them to magazines. In the early 1990’s I founded a rescue program for Labrador Retrievers, the first formal group for Labs in my state, and I co-founded another group for Australian Shepherds. At that time there was very little information available, so I decided to write the book I needed myself. That resulted in Breed Rescue: How to Start and Run a Successful Program (Alpine, 1998), which won the Maxwell Award for Best General Interest Book of the year in the Dog Writers Association of America’s annual writing competition. I have been involved since the late 1980’s in many aspects of the dog world, and have had 13 more books about dogs, and 3 about cats, published since Breed Rescue came out. Two more of the dog books have won Maxwell’s; all 3 cat books won Awards of Excellence from the Cat Writers Association, and 2 won Muse Medallions for Best Health & General Care books in their publication years (the other book was a finalist). I have 2 more books about dogs coming out in 2010. I also had a short mystery story published in an anthology, and am working on a novel.
Jen: Are there any other writers, published or not, in your family?
Sheila: My maternal grandmother published quite a bit of poetry in the 1920’s-40’s, but she’s the only closely related writer I know of.
Jen: Describe your writing in three words.
Sheila: reader-friendly, down-to-earth, conversational
Jen: How do you approach your writing? Do you plot or go with the flow?
Sheila: With non-fiction I work from an outline, although I’m quick to rearrange anything that doesn’t work as I originally thought it would. I’ve written one mystery novel (it’s with my agent now) and am working on another. With those, I had a loose plot, but had to revise it more than once because the characters don’t always do what I expect! So I would say a combination – I’m pretty balanced in terms of being left- or right-brain driven.
Jen: What kind of research did you do for this book?
Sheila: Rescue Matters combines my personal experiences as a rescuer, shelter volunteer, dog breeder, buyer, adopter, trainer, competitor, and life-long animal lover with information acquired through interviews, observation, and reading. I interviewed a variety of people, including rescue organizers and volunteers, pet owners, veterinarians, breeders, exhibitors, and even a few people who really don’t care much for animals. I’ve been involved with animals all my life, have taught equitation and dog obedience, and have owned or fostered a lot of animals, so I have had many opportunities to observe and interact with people and pets of all kind – and it’s all research!
Jen: What’s the most challenging aspect of writing? Easiest?
Sheila: With non-fiction, the biggest challenge it making sure that information is accurate and up-to-date, especially information about health care, which is always changing and improving. For me, the easiest part is actually the writing itself – I love writing, and revising, so I’m lucky to work at something that is, for me, pleasurable in and of itself. I would write even if I didn’t write to publish, so getting paid is a bonus!
Jen: What’s the most rewarding aspect?
Sheila: Knowing that something I’ve written has helped a reader in some way.
Jen: Do you do anything special to celebrate a sale, new contract, or release?
Sheila: I don’t know that I would characterize it as a celebration, but I go into sort of a de-cluttering frenzy when I finish something, and right before I start the next project. I’m not a naturally tidy person, but at least I begin with the semblance of tidiness! I am, though, very fussy about tidying up my manuscripts before I send them, so I guess that’s where I spend my allotment of organizational energy!
Jen: What has been your highlight of your career to this point?
Sheila: Oh boy. You know, nothing beats the thrill of holding that first book in your hands. But I have been very honored to have my books win the Maxwell and Muse awards, which are peer judged and very competitive. So I guess that’s several highlights!
Jen: What’s the most interesting comment you have received about your books?
Sheila: A longtime friend read one of my books a few years ago, and she said, “I love reading your book – it’s just like talking to you!” I hope she meant it was like hearing me talk – that’s the way I took it. That was fun to hear because it means my writing voice is strong and natural – at least to her!
Jen: What's next for you?
Sheila: I’m finishing up a little book on Brittanys for pet owners, just turned in a proposal for a slightly different type of non-fiction book, and am looking forward to getting back to my second mystery, which is about half finished. I usually have my hands in several fires at once.
Jen: Where can you be found on the web?
Sheila: and
I also have a Facebook page which is linked to Twitter, and Rescue Matters has a FB Page of it’s own – fans always welcome! Just search Rescue Matters on Facebook, and it should come up.
Jen: Is there anything you’d like to ask our readers?
Sheila: There are all sorts of studies of reader behavior and how people decide to buy or read books. Studies are nice, but I like to hear from individuals. How do you pick a non-fiction book when you want to learn?
Jen: Sheila is giving away a copy of The Multiple-Dog Family OR The Multiple-Cat Family to one random commenter. To enter the contest, you first need to leave a comment or question for Sheila. Then to complete your entry, your must either leave your email address in your comment or send a message to The contest winner will be chosen on Tuesday, January 12.
Interview with Sheila Boneham
Posted by Jessica | 5:00 AM | contest, interview, non-fiction | 21 comments »
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I enjoyed your interview. My family and I are dog lovers and contemplating getting a second dog. My youngest is always searching Pet Finder when not watching dogs 101 on Animal Planet. I think your book is ideal for all dog lovers to consider adopting or rescuing their future best friend.
I'm a writer, both non-fiction and fiction. My recent children's book, THE VILLA DOG, is seen through the eyes of the dog's point of view! YES, dogs are that special to me.
Sheila, keep up the great writing! Glad it has been in your blood for so many years and that you're successful at it too! :)
All the best,
Ruth G. Zavitsanos
Thanks, Ruth. And thanks for teaching your children to select carefully - too many people get pets on a whim based on cuteness or other factors that have little to do with day to day life with an animal. I will look for your books - sound like fun!
I thought I'd mention that Rescue Matters has a Facebook page -
Hi Sheila,
Interesting interview.
What were you favourite books from 2009?
Dear Sheila,
You have an incredibly diverse academic and professional background...very unique combination. I am from New Orleans and am curious if the post-Katrina rescue efforts for abandoned pets played a part in your choice of subject matter for your outstanding current effort. Thank you for sharing your story with J & J, and thanks to J & J for selecting another intriguing subject for your wonderful blog.
Your friend in New Orleans,
CQ Scafidi
I am a dog lover. I have had 3 dogs but never had more than 1 at a time. I have lost all 3 over the years and grieved as if I lost a part of me, a friend, a companion, a child/baby, etc.
My dog becomes all of the above and fits right into my lifestyle or I wouldn't have him. I treat him as part of the family.
My friend/neighbour has 4 dogs and 1 cat; yikes!! I love her animals now as I have none. After losing the last dog, Sam, I said I don't ever want to go through that heartbreak again. So we have chosen to not get another pet. A few times I've said to dh 'I think I need a dog', but....
Do your pets become that real and meaningful to you? Do you understand my thinking? Thanks for sharing.
Great interview! Sheila, your books sound very intesting, thanks for sharing with us today!
Good question, Spay. I always seem to be a year behind on most of my reading, and I'm a rather eclectic reader, but for what it's worth, and in no particular order, in the past few months I've really enjoyed
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, Eat Prey Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, A Year on the Wing: Four Seasons in a Life with Birds by Tim Dee, The Lion's Eye: Seeing in the Wild by Joanna Greenfield, and a stack of mysteries and thrillers. :-)
CQ, no, Katrina didn't prompt this book. I wrote Breed Rescue: How to Start and Run a Successful Program (Alpine, 1998) more than a decade ago. A couple of years ago it seemed like time to expand the premise from purebred dogs to most companion animals, and to include a lot of lessons learned in the intervening years. And then there's the Internet - it was really just starting to roll when I wrote BR, and now it's obviously an essential part of rescue work.
BTW, Thanks for saying "incredibly diverse" instead of "weird"!
Robyn, it's always hard to lose those we love. I've written about that in many of my books. I still cry at the most unexpected moments about dogs and cats and horses who have been gone for many years. The flip side, of course, is the love and joy of living with animals. Everything in life is a trade off, I guess.
If you don't want to risk your heart again but do want to be around animals, consider volunteering for a shelter or rescue program. You wouldn't necessarily have to foster animals, but, as I discuss in the book, you might offer other skills and also have the chance to spend some time with the "warm fuzzies."
BTW, at one time we had 7 dogs and 3 cats :-) They were all house pets, but we lived on 6 acres and they got lots of running and play time. Now we have 2 dogs, and that's the right number for now.
Hi Sheila! To answer your question, I have to be very interested in a subject to want to buy about a book about it. For instance, I love animals although I am allergic to cats and dogs. Would love to win either of your books as my aunt and uncle have 2 cats. I like them and am the honorary aunt who buys them Christmas presents. Good luck in your writing. Happy 2010!
Liza Quisisem
Great interview. The book sounds very interesting. Everyone should consider rescuing a pet.
This was a really nice interview and it's good to see this important topic getting attention.
Susan Conant's blurb really says it all.
Thanks for the in-depth interview; it's interesting to see an author's background and motivation for writing. :)
I've had multi-pet households, so I'd love to read either of your books. Thanks for the chance to win!
julieguan AT gmail DOT com
Thank you for writing such an informative, one of a kind book. I have been involved in dog rescue over the past two years and aside from my family, nothing brings me greater joy. At times, I have felt like I was going in blind, especially when it comes to accurately assessing shelter dogs. I guess I've been lucky so far. Thank you again!
Thanks, Patti. Two of the points I stress in Rescue Matters! are the need for rescuers to continue learning about the animals they rescue and about animals in general, and the need for rescuers to attend to their own needs and those of their own families, human and animal.
Many rescuers are very knowledgeable, but some operate on their emotions with too little solid knowledge of their species/breed, or training, or.... Ideally, rescue groups will find ways to promote their volunteers' educations.
On the other point, it's all too easy to become so overwhelmed with rescue that we lose balance in our lives. I have a new workshop on preventing and dealing with burnout available for rescuers/rescue groups, and would love to hear from people on this topic, here or through my Facebook page (search Rescue Matters on FB) or my website.
Great interview! I look forward to reading your new book! Your backlist looks just as good so I will be looking you up at Amazon shortly!
Sheila, I think it's wonderful to get more information out there to encourage animal rescue. The more people that are educated and teach their children from the earliest age that animals are feeling sentient loving beings and deserve the same protection as humans and have the same basic needs, The less we are going to see lack or caring and cruelty. Thank you for the good information. CAM
I did mean "lack OF caring"
Yes, "happy," humane education is vital. And I knew what you meant :-)
-- I'm queen of the typo when I'm in a hurry on line!
I am owned by a rescue Golden Retriever, rescue German Shorthaired Pointer & a crazy cat rescued & now rules the roost here.
I will never buy a puppy or dog again. I prefer to rescue senior dogs that need a loving home. Heck I would rescue them all if I could. Thanks for your interview.
Love & Hugs