Jen: Our guest this weekend is Rebbie Macintyre. Rebbie, will you please share a short bio with us?
Rebbie: Like most writers, my life experiences have provided the fodder for my stories. I’ve been an English teacher, a counselor for troubled kids, a salesperson, a violinist, swimming coach, SCUBA diver, and a sludge truck operator. My great-grandfather claimed to be a dowser, a legend that provided the seed for my first book, Cast the First Stone. I was a single mom and then became a stepmom, and my second book, A Corner of Universe, mirrors some of the emotions I struggled with during hard times.

Jen: Tell us about Cast the First Stone and where it's available.
Rebbie: Cast the First Stone is a historical mystery set in Depression era Colorado. It’s the story of a young Hispanic widow who saves her brother from a murder conviction by using the ancient art of dowsing. It’s available on Amazon and Barnes and I’m also giving away signed copies of the book; I explain that at the end of the interview.

Jen: At what age did you discover writing and when were you first published? Tell us your call story.
Rebbie: I started writing diaries when I was seven or eight years old. (I saved a half dozen of those little vinyl books with the locking tabs!) It wasn’t until my daughter was grown that I took up writing full time. I wrote three different books with a dowser as a protagonist. It took me several years, lots of critique groups and a pond of tears to learn the craft. When I thought the story was good enough, I queried and contracted with an agent. A year later, he called with the news that Five Star had offered a contract for the book. From the day I came up with the idea for the story until the publication date was ten years. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but there you go.

Jen: Are there any other writers, published or not, in your family?
Rebbie: My niece, who is twenty-two, has just finished the first draft of her first book. My daughter just received a contract to write a textbook for a course in fashion design. My cousin, Freedy Johnston, is a music composer who tours with his own group. Another niece is also a music composer and performer.

Jen: How do you approach your writing? Do you plot or go with the flow?
Rebbie: I write like E.L. Doctorow describes: Writing a book is like driving down a road at night with your headlights on. You know where you’re headed, but you can only see a little way in front of you! I start with a one or two sentence summary of the book, then write a paragraph which includes the inciting incident, turning points and the ending. Then I begin the first draft. The scenes come as I drive down the dark road, and I like to write a fast first draft, usually only four to six weeks working every day. There are a lot of holes when it’s over, but it gives me a story from which to build.

Jen: What kind of research did you do for this book?
Rebbie: Lots of research on the web about the Great Depression and dowsing, but I also used my mother’s stories from what she remembers about that time.

Jen: What’s the most challenging aspect of writing? Easiest?
Rebbie: Getting a great idea is the most challenging aspect of finding a story, no question. The easiest? I’m not sure I could apply the term to writing.

Jen: What’s the most rewarding aspect?
Rebbie: For me, finishing the book is the most rewarding aspect of writing. I spent over two years on a book that I did not send out for publication because it is simply not right. I learned a lot from it, though, about finding my own voice and style, being myself on the page, and not trying to imitate someone else. Even though it probably will never be published, I still felt an immense sense of accomplishment when it was finished.

Jen: Is there a genre that you’d like to write? Is there a genre you’ll probably stay away from and why?
Rebbie: My voice and style are suited for suspense, I believe, so I’ll stick to that. Cast the First Stone is a fast, page-turner read and it’s a mystery. My upcoming release, A Corner of Universe, is a suspense story set in current day Chicago. I can’t see myself ever writing sci-fi or fantasy. But then again, you never know what turn your creativity will take!

Jen: What five authors or people, from the past or present, have been important to you as an author? What question or comment have you always wanted to say to them?
Rebbie: There are so many present day authors I read and love, in all genres. But for the classics, I love Charles Dickens and the uniqueness of his characters. Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Virginia Woolf. I’m also an admirer of Brenda Ueland, a woman who shouted out her writing voice without reservations!

Jen: Do you do anything special to celebrate a sale, new contract, or release?
Rebbie: Hubby and I pop a bottle of bubbly!

Jen: What’s the most interesting comment you have received about your book?
Rebbie: When Cast the First Stone was first released, I got a lot of emails from people about how their family members were dowsers or they’d heard stories about ancestors who dowsed. It was a great way to connect to readers.

Jen: What do you do in your free time?
Rebbie: Read, of course, bike and walk. Be with the family. I take a girl trip every fall and we go hiking in Colorado or Montana. It’s the best!

Jen: What's next for you?
Rebbie: My upcoming book, A Corner of Universe, will be released in March 2010. It’s set in current day Chicago and is about a physician’s wife who takes in her adult stepson in hopes of saving her floundering marriage, but ends up jeopardizing everything she holds dear—including the life of her unborn child.

Jen: Where can you be found on the web?
Rebbie: www.rebbiemacintyre. com

Jen: Is there anything you’d like to ask our readers?
Rebbie: Yes. I’d like to know how you as a reader discover new books. How influential is the Internet in making your selection for books?

Jen: Readers, Rebbie is giving away five (yes, that's 5) copies of Cast the First Stone. She will personalize the copy to whomever you’d like, if you want to use the book as a Christmas gift. To enter the contest, leave a comment or question for Rebbie. Then you must either leave your email address in your comment or send a message to The contest will end on Thursday, December 10.


  1. Virginia C // December 05, 2009 9:22 AM  

    Hi, Rebbie! Thank you for writing an exciting story line "outside the fiction box". Focusing on the art of "dowsing" and reminding us of how people survived in the previous depression is inspired! What other time periods in American history interest you enough to generate a book?

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  2. s7anna // December 05, 2009 10:17 AM  

    Hey Rebbie,
    I have never heard of "dowsing"...You've got me totally intrigued to find out more about here I come...LOL

    You've certainly held a lot of interesting job positions in your career path...very cool in its wow that is some serious talent in your blood pool.

    Congratulations on your new release!

  3. Cat Connor // December 05, 2009 10:59 AM  

    Thoroughly enjoyed the interview Rebbie!

    My father has been known to dowse for water. I've seen him do it, I think it started as a bit of a joke but it worked!

    Makes me want to get my rods out...

  4. J Hali // December 05, 2009 10:59 AM  

    Fascinating interview! What haven't you done *grins* And your family - just as talented.

    Rebbie, I read e-books so I'm on the internet alot, and yes, I find the majority of my books that way. Blogs like this one, websites, the list goes on. I'm heading over to your site now...

    Good luck with sales
    joannhali at

  5. Weslynn McCallister // December 05, 2009 11:24 AM  

    Congratulations on your new release! The book sounds fascinating.

    Weslynn McCallister
    pseudonym, Jamie Cortland

  6. Professor // December 05, 2009 11:30 AM  

    I would like to know what has been the most surprising aspect of becoming a published aurthor. Have there been challenges regarding things a publisher suggested you change? How did you decide on the title for each book? Thank you.

  7. Adele Langendorf // December 05, 2009 11:30 AM  

    Outstanding interview. The book sounds compelling.

    I find books by other writers and on the internet and am inspired by your web page and blog.

  8. Rebbie Macintyre // December 05, 2009 11:33 AM  

    Hi everyone and thanks for the feedback! It's so great hearing from readers. Virginia, I seem to be drawn to the 30s and 40s. I love movies and books set in World War Two, so if I think of writing another historical, it'll be there. s7anna, dowsing was new to me also when I first started the book. It's a fascinating subject, not quite paranormal, but not quite scientific, either. That's what makes it a great topic for a writer, I think. Joann, thanks for the feedback about how you get info for new books. That helps a lot in honing my own promotion. Cat, so your father was a dowser! And you are also. I did a lot of research through the American Society of Dowsers--a very active organization. Check it out on the web. Thanks Weslynn for reading the interview. And thanks again to everyone!

  9. Anna Patterson // December 05, 2009 11:33 AM  

    I once got a chance with an old farmer to try his rods. We went out into a field and it was such a strange sensation to have the rods move towards each other. Good luck on your books. Enjoyed your comments about your writing.

  10. CallMeKayla // December 05, 2009 11:41 AM  

    awesome interview! Rebbie- your books sound awesome! I will defintetly be checking them out!!

  11. Rebbie Macintyre // December 05, 2009 12:45 PM  

    Thanks, Adele and Kayla. Glad you enjoyed the interview. This is the most fun blog, isn't it?! Anna, I'm envious of anyone who can dowse. I tried it several times while researching the book--I simply don't have what it takes! Professor, the most surprising thing about becoming a published author is the fact that balancing promotion of the books and writing new books takes more time than I thought it would! I've read other authors who say the same. My editor at Five Star, Gordon Aalborg, is a great editor who liked the book as it stood. My second book, however, he suggested some changes--although nothing I didn't totally agree with! The title CAST THE FIRST STONE was suggested by my former agent. A CORNER OF UNIVERSE was my own idea for a title.
    Thanks again everyone!

  12. Roxanne // December 05, 2009 3:21 PM  

    Ten years is a long time to wait before being published. I'm glad your persistence paid off. Interesting interview.

  13. mariska // December 05, 2009 4:29 PM  

    oh i love to win this book. it sounds GREAT !

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  14. Anna L. Walls // December 05, 2009 8:33 PM  

    Such a coincidence. I think most everyone has at least heard of dousing, I have, but it wasn't until a friend of ours came to visit that I tried it. Dousing was strong in his family always showing either water or gold, he said. He showed me how and I tried it. It's a very eerie feeling when those rods move in your hand without any help, and believe me, I was very careful about not helping them. My sons can do it too and in this case, it's water we were tracing. It will be so nice to have running water here. Good luck with your book.

  15. Renee Vincent // December 06, 2009 8:47 AM  

    Great interview, Rebbie! As a fellow author, I was intrigued by your interpretation of how you write using driving down a dark road with a map. Very clever!

    Good luck with your new release!

  16. Bob E Sherman // December 06, 2009 9:05 AM  

    Is dowsing like water boarding? I like your website.

  17. GABixler // December 06, 2009 9:36 AM  

    Rebbie...thank you for sharing that it took 10 years to get published. I think it is an important reality for many new writers to know...

    You asked about online purchasing...while I get a lot of books for reviews, I still almost always have a full cart at Amazon that I keep adding to...mostly that is by seeing a book online, with what I want: suspense! When I get sufficient books to help with postage, then I give myself a special gift of... you guessed it...books, books, and more books!

    Best wishes for your marketing efforts!


  18. Virginia // December 06, 2009 10:23 AM  

    Congrats on your new release! I am intrigued by your book it sound fabulous! It also sounds like there are a lot of writer in your family!

    To answer your question, I find most of the books I read on the internet. I go to blogs and such to keep up with what I want to read. I don't think I could do without my internet now, I am addicted.


  19. heidi330 // December 06, 2009 5:48 PM  

    Rebbie, your books sound great. I can't wait to read it. To answer your question. I pick books the hard way, word of mouth and I wonder the book stores for hours. My husband is not thrilled when I do that because I come out with 20 to 30 books at a time. But I'm sure happy. I do check out authors I find on sites like this, I will go to their website but thats about it. I will wonder around stacks of books for hours just reading some and buying lots.

  20. Anonymous // December 06, 2009 8:00 PM  

    Your second book sounds like the premise for a great movie. I am looking forward to reading both of your books.

    Lisa Childs

  21. Rebbie Macintyre // December 07, 2009 4:31 AM  

    Thanks for more feedback, everyone, about how you choose books. Lots of internet stuff, and of course, that's why a lot of writers love to appear on great sites like this one!
    And Glenda, I hope you'll check out my newest book which will be released in March: A CORNER OF UNIVERSE. It's suspense, and the reviews have called it a page-turner. Thanks Lisa, for the comment about the book being good movie material. I think it would also! And Bob, dowsing is the activity of finding the unseen, including underground water, minerals, lost valuables etc. For those readers who would like to know more about dowsing, I urge you to go to, the website for American Society of Dowsers. It's a great organization that does a lot of good.

  22. robynl // December 09, 2009 1:10 PM  

    I looked up dowsing and it is what we called witching for water.

    I find my books on blogs, chats, reviews, etc.

    Love the sound of your book.


  23. Corinna Underwood // December 09, 2009 5:36 PM  

    A great interview. I'm looking forward to reading your new book.
    C. Underwood

  24. BookTalkAdmin // December 10, 2009 8:21 PM  

    Thanks to everyone who stopped by this week to support Rebbie. Below are the contest winners. They have been contacted and have until next Friday, December 18 to claim their prizes or new winners will be chosen.

    So, congrats to:
    Corrina U.
    Renee V.

    Hope you all enjoy the book and happy holidays!

  25. BookTalkAdmin // December 18, 2009 5:49 AM  

    One of our winners never claimed the prize, so I've chosen a new winner.

    Virgina C., watch your email from a message from I need to hear from you by Dec 24 or we'll try this again. :)


  26. Virginia C // December 18, 2009 6:01 AM  

    Thanks so much! I emailed my info.

    Happy Holidays : )