Jen: This week we are happy to have Renee Vincent visiting the blog. Renee, will you please share a short bio with us?
Renee: First, let me extend my deepest gratitude to Jen and Jessica for having me on their book blog. I have looked very forward to this week.
I am an author with a passionate interest in Irish and Norse history. I live in the rolling hills of Kentucky with my husband and two children on a beautiful secluded farm of horses and hay fields.
When I am not writing, I love to spend my time on the back of a horse, whether with my family or with my friends. There is nothing like feeling the sunlight on your face, the wind in your hair, and the power of the animal beneath you as you enjoy the beautiful scenery. Seeing the world from a saddle is, by far, the best view and the best therapy for a heavy heart or a troubled mind. My therapist's name, or my horse's, rather, is "Statues Suddenly Lucky", a full-blooded Tennessee Walker, and of course, he goes by the name of Lucky for short.
I am a sucker for a good cup of coffee (lots of cream and sugar...and whipped cream if I can get my hands on it), great conversation, and a lilting Irish accent. I love to read and I can't resist watching great epic historical movies.
Jen: Tell us about Ræliksen and where it’s available.
Renee: Ræliksen is a love story quite unlike anything you have ever read. I must admit, I did not follow the usual “guidelines” when it comes to romance novels. I blazed my own trail. I absolutely love romance novels and cannot think of reading anything else. But I wanted to give my readers more than just a quick, page-turning story that would soon be forgotten once it was finished and another opened in its place. I wanted to portray the passionate and brutal way of 10th Century life—something more tangible and realistic—while still giving the readers an erotic, yet heartwarming romance where an irrefutable devotion between the two lovers existed and thrived.
Ræliksen is available on all the online markets, including and Barnes& in hardback, paperback and even e-book format.
Jen: At what age did you discover writing and when were you first published?
Renee: I guess you could say it all started at the age of five, when my parents had given me a personalized children’s book where I was featured as the hero of the story. I can still recall how excited I was to see my full name in print and know that no one else had a book like this. From that day forth, I dreamed of seeing my name on the cover of a book. And by the way, I still have that children’s book.
Ræliksen is my first book that was published in December 2008.
Jen: Describe your writing in three words.
Renee: Unique. Stirring. Sensual.
Jen: How do you approach your writing? Do you plot or go with the flow?
Renee: At the insistence of my husband, I should plot it out on paper, but I have never been able to do that. I would spend more time changing the outline than I would writing on the story itself. I do, however, plot extensively in my head. I have a specific beginning and ending, and fill in the middle with plot twists, character developments, and suspense elements, on a “go with the flow” mentality.
Jen: What kind of research did you do for this book?
Renee: Literally years worth. From the time I had gotten out of high school, I had been fascinated by the life and pursuits of the “Viking” men, reading research books for pleasure.
You could actually say that my English-Literature teacher had been the reason for my passionate interest in the subject. He was just one of the teachers who knew how to read difficult passages, such as Shakespeare or The Odyssey, and—simply by his grand narration—you could walk away understanding so much more than you bargained for.
With historical novels, I believe there is no such thing as too much research. Even now, I find things out that I hadn’t found a few years ago.
Jen: How do you pick the character’s names?
Renee: When it comes to names, authenticity means the most to me. For instance, if a character is from Scandinavia, then I wouldn’t give him a French originated name. Along side that, the name must also roll from the tongue easily enough.
While some names can involve a lot of research to find the perfect one, others can just jump out at you. When it came to finding a name for my villain, Domaldr, in Ræliksen, it sort of found me. His name, when pronounced, just exudes an evil air. And when I researched it, I uncovered that there was once a Scandinavian king by that name who had been cursed by his own mother. Soon after her spell, he had lost many men to disease, lost battles left and right, and his luck never improved.
Jen: Do you feel as if the characters live with you as you write? Do they haunt your dreams?
Renee: Yes! In fact, they consume me. Most of my thoughts throughout the days—when I am not writing—involve contemplating the next chapter, figuring future plot sequences, or rehashing dialogue. Sometimes my best lines have come to me in the middle of the night. Of course, I have a notepad on my nightstand for those such instances.
Jen: If Ræliksen was made into a movie, which actors would you choose to play the hero and heroine?Renee: The hero, Dægan Ræliksen, would undoubtedly be Gerard Butler. There would be no one else who could play the bold, handsome, and charismatic warrior any better. If you have seen him in the movie Beowulf & Grendel, or even Attila, you’ll agree that Gerard was made to play Dægan.
For the heroine, I’d want a woman who was naturally beautiful, petite, and had eyes that could look right through you. Rachel McAdams would be my choice. She can bring about a believable chemistry with anyone who plays opposite her.
Now, I can only cross my fingers and hope for Hollywood to take to notice.
Jen: Do you do anything special to celebrate a sale, new contract, or release?
Renee: Since this is my first release, I can only tell you what I did at the time. My husband had planned a dinner with a few of my closest friends and their families, keeping it from my knowledge. So when I walked into the restaurant, they were all seated at a long table, waiting on my arrival. After drinks were ordered and brought, they had lifted their glasses to me and toasted to my success. It nearly brought me to tears and I hope they all know how much that meant to me.
For my next release, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’d want to be with my wonderfully supportive husband, my two girls, and my closest friends.
Jen: What’s the most interesting comment you have received about your book?
Renee: Not sure if this comment falls under the category of most interesting, but it certainly took me aback and warmed my heart. I received a fan letter from a woman in Vista, California, complete with Norse stationary, and she told me that I was one of her favorite authors. I held that very dear to me, as she also included that she reads about a book a day because of an unfortunate medical condition that keeps her home bound. She and I have kept in contact with each other and I feel blessed to have made that kind of impression on her with my writing.
Jen: Who are some of your favorite authors and books? What are you reading now?
Renee: My favorite author of all time is Emily Brontë with Wuthering Heights. But when it comes to historical romance novels, I love Nora Roberts, Johanna Lindsey, Catherine Coulter, and Elizabeth Lowell. Recently, I have found contemporary romance to tickle my fancy as well, with Lori Foster and Shiloh Walker.
Right now I am reading Lori Foster’s Too Much Temptation. I had first read Never Too Much and loved every minute of it. Ben Badwin’s character alone makes you want to keep turning the pages. I found out half way through it that Lori had another independent title about the older brother. So before I even finished Never Too Much, I ordered Too Much Temptation, so that I could start reading it right afterwards. Despite me reading them in opposite order and having no trouble following along, I, however, recommend reading them in the order that Lori had intended.
Jen: What is next for you?
Renee: Right now I am busy working on the sequel to Ræliksen, entitled MacLiam and I hope to have it released in 2010 sometime. Ræliksen is a love story about the Norse hero in love with an Irish maiden, named Mara. MacLiam would give you the Irish hero who is also in love with the same heroine.
Jen: Where can you be found on the web?
Renee: My website is Please feel free to drop by and look around. I’d love to hear from you either by email or by signing my guest book. Interacting with my fans and reading each and every comment makes it all worth while. Without the dedication of romance fans like you, my passion to write timeless love stories wouldn’t have much of a purpose. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Jen: Is there anything you’d like to ask our readers?
Renee: I am proud to say that my book has been read by people all across the world, including Ireland, Norway, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the US. One common theme in the feedback I receive seems to be that the plot twist at the end was not foreseeable. Readers hadn’t expected it and were greatly intrigued by the intricate web-working of small details which led up to that grand, final moment.
I, myself, prefer a romance with a deep story and possibly a twist at the end that I did not see coming. As a fellow romance reader, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Do you prefer to read a romance novel that requires a bit more thought process—one that suspensefully strings you along a complex plot, while tantalizing you with lots of sensual romance?
Would you rather an easy-read novel—one that gets through the plot quickly, and dives into the sensual romance at a speedier rate without too much thinking on your part?
Jen: Readers, Renee is giving away an autographed book of Ræliksen and the Ræliksen Soundtrack that was made by a very talented Irish musician to one lucky reader. To enter the drawing, you must first leave a comment or question for Renee. Then you need to either leave your email address in your comment or send a message to Only people that complete both parts of the entry will be eligible for the contest. The winner will be chosen on Sunday, December 6.
Interview with Renee Vincent
Posted by Jessica | 5:00 AM | contest, historical, interview, romance | 42 comments »
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Love the title and names, from what I've read, yeah, Daegan would have to be portrayed by Gerard Butler. *grins* What a great period to write about.
From the first lovely page, and to the last, I enjoyed visiting your website.
Awesome interview!
Thank you J Hali for your kind comments and for taking the time out of your busy day to be here. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.
My website header, that you have so generously praised, is by the same talented man who did the Ræliksen Soundtrack CD AND who is currently doing the cover for the sequel: MacLiam.
Wonderful to see another Norse lover out there! Your story sounds fantastic!
Best wishes,
My deepest thanks to you too, Diana.
Yes, I am a Norse lover and it pleases me when I can "convert" other historical romance readers to admiring the brave men of the North as I do.
And as you and I already know, they can make for some very interesting characters and wonderful lovers.
To be honest, I am not usually interested in histoical fiction, and the only reason I read the book, was because my mother suggested it. I didn't really have an open mind, and I figured I would have to force myself to read it. However, after taking my time during the first few chapters, I became totally involved in it and couldn't put it down! I finished the rest of the book in about 2 days (it would have been one, if I didn't have to go to work :o) I am very much looking forward to the sequel and I actually also enjoyed learning some new terms from the glossary you provided. I thought that was an excellent addition.
Thanks for the story and can't wait for the next one! Best of luck to you!
It is wonderful have your presence on this blog. What a surprise you have brought me today! Thank you!
I am very glad that you enjoyed the book and I am doubly glad you broke down and ventured out into the unknown. You have the makings of a true Norse-woman!
Thank you for being here today and best of luck to you in winning the book and CD!
After reading your interview. Im intrigued. I read a lot of Sherrylin Kenyon which is romance of a diffrenet style and settiing. I read horror and fantasy too but im finding im curious about your book. Im adding it to my wish list on Amazon as a to buy as it sounds really interesting and deep. BTW I love the way you go with the flow, I do that too, I find the story unfolds more naturally this way.
I love to sit down and read a book that strings a long a great story about the irish or vikings or anything that just catches me in that web. I love feeling like a just walked out of the book when I have to stop reading. I'm the kind of reader that see's the words as pictures as i read them. Its like my own movie is going on.
Thank you Renee for being one of those authors who weave a web.
I enjoyed reading your blog today. I have just become interested in them. Your answers to the questions asked evoked emotions.
Hope to see the sequel
an interesting book, i may say that. and after read 'Sarah's comment, I'm so curious about your book Renee !
uniquas at ymail dot com
Thank you for sharing your input today, and yes, I, too, like Sherrylin Kenyon. In fact, I just read, not too long ago, Sword of Darkness by her other psuedonym Kinley MacGregor. Good Read.
Good luck to you and thank you again for your comment.
Hello heidi87,
Thanks for your input on the matter of my "web weaving". I'm glad you agree.
When I write, I can vividly see the scenes of my book playing out in my head as if it were a movie, and thus, I write in that very fashion; most time jumping straight into the action.
Good luck to you and thanks again for being here.
Thank you for stopping by today and reading the interview. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Introducing my book to a crowd of new people is always fun and I enjoy interacting with fellow romance readers.
Thank you for your kind comments and good luck to you on the giveaway.
Thank you so much for your comment about the book. It brings a smile to my face to know that someone is intrigued by my work solely by a little spark of interest.
It's a pleasure to meet you and I wish you luck in the giveaway.
This was a great interview I truly enjoyed it thanks!
sounds great! add me in the contest drawing please!
Thank you so much for your comment. You are too kind.
Enjoy the rest of your week and good luck with the drawing.
Thanks for dropping by! And good luck to you!
Hi Renee, I love the sound of your book and I would love to read it. It sounds fabulous! Have you ever used Kentucky as a setting in any of your book? I love reading books set in KY.
Wonderful interview Renee! You show your true heart and feelings about your book. I can't wait to read MacLiam! I just know I will love it as much as Raeliksen if not more.
I will not enter the contest as I already have 2 signed copies and the CD that I got for my Birthday from my BEST friend in the world. ;-)
Hi, Renee! I really enjoyed your interview and perusing your website. I agree, Gerard Butler is the perfect "Dægan Ræliksen" : )
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Great interview! I really enjoyed reading it! Please count me in for the contest! Thanks!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Thanks for coming by.
And no, I have not yet used KY as a setting in a book since Ræliksen is my first. However, my daughter wants me to write a book that she can read, and since she is a horse lover and rider, I suppose KY would be a grand place to start.
But MacLiam comes first...
Thanks for your input and good luck on the drawing.
Virginia C,
I am so glad you agree with my hero choice of Gerard Butler for Dægan. When I wrote the book, his face, his eyes, and his rugged good looks and charm were all I could see.
Thank you for taking time to be here and for visiting my website. I am so grateful!
Good luck to you!
Right back at you, darlin! I am blessed to have a friend like you in my life.
So glad to see you dropped by. You have brought an immense smile to my face this day.
Thanks for taking the time to be here. I am so grateful for the warm welcome here and the many kind visitors such as yourself.
Thank you and good luck!
I have added this book to my TBR list. I am always looking for different authors to read. I like stories set with Irish settings.
Gerald Butler is an excellent choice if your book was made into a movie. Sounds like a story I would like.
JFWisherd (at) aol (dot) com
Thank you so much for adding my book to your TBR list. I am honored.
Good luck to you!
Thank you for stopping by the blog today. It is nice to meet another fellow Gerard Butler fan. I truly hope you have a wonderful week.
Good luck in the drawing.
Renee - as I've told you before - I loved reading Raeliksen and cannot wait to read MacLiam (however, I think I'll have to read Raeliksen again - not a bad thing by any means) Best of luck in your writing!
Great interview! One of my favourite authors is also Emily Bronte. I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
Renee your book Raeliksen sound stupendous. I love anything Irish and since my trip there nearly 40 yrs ago my ties have grown stronger. I wear a pewter Celtic cross that I never remove and love romances so your book sounds like a winner for me. So darlin' have a Merry Christmas.
SuzyQ1955 (AT) aol (DOT) com
Not since Edward Rutherfurd have I been so excited by an author of historical fiction! Think you just may be my favorite author of the year! Keep up the great work.
K. Hlldebrand,
What a nice surprise to see you visit BOOK BLOG! And thank you for reading Ræliksen and sharing your thoughts on my work. I am so appreciative for the great word-of-mouth recommendation you have given.
Good luck to you in the drawing!
Thank you Wanda! And it's nice to meet someone else who enjoys Emily Brontë too as most people forget the classics when mentioning their favorite authors.
I will never forget how amazed and enchanted I was after reading Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff certainly left a mark on my tender heart.
Thank you for coming here and good luck to you!
SuzyQ1955 (Anonymous),
Thank you for dropping by and Merry Christmas to you as well!
Since you love anything Irish, perhaps when Mac Liam is released you will catalog it along with all the other things you find so dear. I could only be so lucky.
Good luck!
Ewen Rendale,
My goodness! I am utterly humbled by your words! To be categorized, much less even mentioned in the same breath as Edward Rutherfurd renders me speechless. I actually just ordered his book, THE PRINCES OF IRELAND, the other day as a Christmas gift to myself.
May I ask you...does this mean you have read Ræliksen?
Either way, I humbly thank you for your praise. (I hope you know I am on cloud 9 now)
Good luck to you on the drawing.
Gerard Butler is the best choice ever for a male lead Renee! He was amazing in that movie, and of course all the others he has been in. And I totally love Rachel McAdams, she would awesome if, HOPEFULLY, the book is made into a movie!!
I can only wish for this book to be made into a movie. What a pat on the back that would be for any author.
But if I ever did get that call from Hollywood, someone would have to pinch me.
Thanks for being here and good luck!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by this weekend.
And now the time everyone is waiting for... the announcement of our contest winner.
Heidi87, you're the lucky winner. Watch your inbox for a message from I need to hear from you by next Sunday, Dec, 13 or a new winner will be chosen.
Congratulations Heidi87 !
*And may you have a very Blessed Christmas!*
Thanks to everyone else who has participated. It was a joy to be here.
My warmest thanks to Jen and Jessica. Your blog is always entertaining! What you provide for your readers is most gracious and I am honored to have been a part of it.