If you haven't heard, Oprah has a new book club selection: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. The subtitle is "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose".

I have enjoyed almost all of the books Oprah has suggested... Anna Karenina was a bit of a chore to finish, but I did. And I will admit, I have some selections that I still haven't gotten around to start, but I have to say I have read some great books that I probably would never have read otherwise.

So, A New Earth is the latest selection, but this is not yet a review because I've only just bought the book haven't even opened it.

I guess this kind of a Challenge for anyone else who would love to read the book along with me. At the very least go to Oprah's site and sign up to participate in the webinar (online class). By doing so you can gain access to watch weekly videos (every Monday) from Oprah and Eckhart Tolle (the author). Once the class gets under way (Monday, March 3), there will be exercises for the readers to do.

Seems like fun to me... We shall see. If you are reading this book along with the rest of the world (Oprah's fans at least), let me know how far you are and what you think about the book.