Jen: This week we’re happy to have Tigra-Luna LeMar with us. Tigra-Luna, please share a short bio with us.
Tigra-Luna: Short bio? Well, I am a university student from Canada. I was born in Jamaica. I love the arts – anything artsy movies, theatre, music, culture. They just seem to make life so much richer…And my writing of course. I love a good book (though with school it often time seek I don’t have time to breathe, much less read and write. lol)

Jen: Tell us about your recent and upcoming releases and where they are available.
Tigra-Luna: Well, I have a novel out called Too Bootilicious (ebook and paperback) and a short titled Itashi’s Pride. Both are available at But I have a Christmas story titled Santa’s Undercover Sex Kitty and a second story titled Karma Feeding Kane. Both are coming soon to Amira Press. I am proud to say that Karma Feeding Kane is a short Paranormal about a sexual vampire *wiggles brows suggestively* And coming in February there’s a story that I wrote with a friend D.M Dulton titled Jennifer’s Wager it’s coming to Whiskey Creek Press Torrid.

Jen: At what age did you discover writing and when were you first published? Tell us your call story.
Tigra-Luna: Wow, I was a little girl and reading everything I could get my hands on. But in high school I figured if I read so much I should probably write something. But I am the biggest procrastinator you could ever find. But then I got this idea about this really sexy cowboy who lost an eye in a war – him hiding from the world etc. I wrote it, all the way to 30K and lost it on a computer when it crashed. I was crushed, didn’t write anything until college again. A friend of mine heard I love writing and dared me to start again. My first story that was published with my friend D.M Dulton titled Eros’ Lessons with Ocean’s Mist Press but we all know how that story ended.

Jen: Use three words to describe your writing.
Tigra-Luna: Just three? Me, Soft, Sizzle

Jen: Do you have a writing routine?
Tigra-Luna: Not really. If I’m not motivated I can’t write. Some people put time away each day to write I can’t do that because if I do all that will come out is jibberish. I have to write when the need hits me.

Jen: What’s the most challenging aspect of writing? Easiest?
Tigra-Luna: The most challenging I would have to say is getting my characters to shut up! Lol. I tell my friends to write until their characters stop speaking. That’s what I do but sometimes, there is so many ideas just flowing I can’t get them down fast enough. The easiest part, thinking of what to name your characters. I love giving my characters really strange names, or as strange as I can muster.

Jen: What’s the most rewarding aspect?
Tigra-Luna: Going to my website and seeing someone leave a comment saying how much they enjoyed my writing. It’s a wonderful feeling to know someone read my stuff and liked it so much that they had to tell me about it.

Jen: Do you do anything special to celebrate a sale, new contract, or release?
Tigra-Luna:I live close to one of the best wineries in North America. So I go on a short road trip to it, buy a nice bottle of Ice Wine and just go home, take a shower then chill out, wrapped in a towel and have a glass.

Jen: Is there a genre that you’d like to write?
Tigra-Luna: Wow, I’d like to dip my hand in every genre…But lately I’m trying more and more paranormal. Only one story has panned out so far. But the one that I would absolutely LOVE to write would be Sci-fi erotica. I’ve always loved aliens, and star bases and galaxies far far away. I know, I sound like a nerd but who wouldn’t want to believe that there are sexy stud muffins somewhere else in this galaxy right?

Jen: Where do you draw your inspiration?
Tigra-Luna: Er…that is a loaded question lol. Well, it depends. I take a lot of the feelings from my real life and what I am feeling at the time I’m writing. If I feel angry, it goes into the story. Sad, same deal. When I want to write my sex scenes I listened to really sexy love songs…you know the kinds, old skool slow jams! *grins*

Jen: Do you have a favorite character or one that you identify most with?
Tigra-Luna: Let me think. Lisa Townsend from Too Bootilicious. She embodies my personality a lot. I actually cried when I wrote certain parts of that story. It was heart wrenching.

Jen: Who are some of your favorite authors and books? What are you reading now?
Tigra-Luna: Right now, I just (right before doing this interview) finished reading Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. For any fans of Jane Eyre, this story is supposed to be the prologue for Bertha, Rochester’s crazy wife lol. As well this morning, I finished reading Winter Fire by Elizabeth Lowell. I’m telling you it was WORTH it!

Jen: What's next for you?
Tigra-Luna: Well, right now I am working on an African American Wolverine shifter story. I am hoping it comes out as well as it sounds inside my head lol. As well I’m looking to write another IR erotica with a Japanese male.

Jen: Where can you be found on the web?
Tigra-Luna: I am all over the place, facebook, myspace ( and my website at

Jen: Do you have anything you’d like to ask our readers?
Tigra-Luna: Oh yeah! What would you like to see me do next?

Jen: Thanks so much for being with us this week. Readers, leave a comment, ask a question or answer Tigra-Luna's question and you'll be entered in a drawing for an e-copy of Itashi's Pride. I'll pick winner on Thursday, November 13 sometime in the evening of the west coast. And if you're not going to subscribe to the comments or check back on Friday to see if you're a winner, please leave contact information in your post.


  1. quiltingreader // November 10, 2008 7:56 AM  

    Hi Tigra-Luna. I love your name. Your book covers are great. Lucky you

    You should do vampires next. I love anything with vampires.

  2. BookTalkAdmin // November 10, 2008 8:30 AM  

    Tigra-Luna, it was nice getting to know you thru this interview process. I always enjoy being introduced to new authors.

    Do you have a favorite character from you books?

  3. Tigra-Luna LeMar // November 10, 2008 9:49 AM  

    Hi Everyone!
    Thanks for stopping by and reading my interview! It is very nice of you. And thanks QUILTINGREADER I am trying to do a vampire but that wouldn't be until next year. Right now my writing plate is hella full lol.

    Have a lovely day everyone!

  4. Jesse // November 10, 2008 10:17 AM  

    The book looks yummy! I love the interview!

  5. ddurance // November 11, 2008 8:45 AM  

    I love the sound of Karma Feeding Kane. Yum! a sexual vampire!


  6. Sue D. // November 12, 2008 10:25 AM  

    I so enjoyed your interview. Jen asked most of the questions I do. However, I was wondering how your family deals with you when you are in writing mode? I get constant interruptions so I was wondering if they leave you alone? Do you go into cave mode?

    Thank you for sharing your life with us!

    Sue D.

  7. tigra-luna // November 13, 2008 10:20 AM  

    Hi Sue,
    I go to university outside of my city so I have to stay on residence, for that I can write whenever I have time by locking myself in my room. If I am at home, I write after everyone is gone to bed...that way no interruptions...


  8. bbricke // November 13, 2008 8:32 PM  

    What type of book that you haven't written that you would like to write.

  9. BookTalkAdmin // November 14, 2008 6:30 AM  

    Jesse, you're the winner of Itashi's Pride. Please send me an email at before Thursday, November 20 to claim your prize.