Blog Changes

Posted by Jessica | 11:23 AM | | 0 comments »

We have new and exciting changes coming to Book Talk starting this coming weekend. With the demand for promos and reviews, we had to look at ways to accommodate everyone.

First, we're going to have more guests on the blog. In addition to our week long promos that we post on Mondays, we're also going to start having weekend promos. We're also going to get better about posting reviews.

So, here's what our posting schedule will look like:
Monday- The start of the week long promos with excerpts and interview or guest blogging
Thursday- The end of the week long promo with the winner of contest announced
Friday- Reviews, other contest posts, and just random posts
Saturday- The start of the weekend promo
Sunday- The end of the weekend promo with contest winner announcements

Authors, if you're interested in setting up one of these promos, check out our schedule along the left sidebar and then send us an e-mail at

Readers, we've been having a lot of contest books going unclaimed. If you'd like to get your e-mail address into our database so that we can contact you if you're a winner, send us an e-mail and be sure to include your blogger ID. I also want to remind you of our November contest and polls (I just set up a second one, so be sure to vote in both).