Bran's condo was almost as luxurious as the penthouse, with an absolutely breathtaking view of the north end of Manhattan. If Eric squinted, he could see a few faint distant lights near the cemetery where his mother was buried. Fortunately, Bran sidling up with a glass of Scotland's finest single-malt kept his thoughts from taking a morbid turn.

"So what's this all about?" Eric asked, letting Bran steer him into the living room.

"It's something I've been thinking about for awhile. Yesterday just made it imperative that I finally act on it." Bran seated himself on the couch, Eric in the chair to the right of it. They placed their glasses on the heavy glass end table, their hands brushing as they did so. A frisson of scalding sensation snaked down Eric's spine; he took another hasty sip of his drink to disguise his nervousness while he waited for Bran to continue. "I think we both know that Edward needs to be taken down. He's torpedoed at least three deals of mine that I know of, one of them while he was still in jail. The corporate community won't do anything to check him, and the law's obviously worse than useless. So I'm going to do it. I'm going to ruin him, no matter how long it takes. And I want you to help me."

Eric felt a grin spreading across his face-a huge, Grinch-like grin, poison-apple sweet.

"I take it that's a yes?" Bran prompted.

"You have to ask?"

"I thought you might say that." They clinked glasses, and drank to it.

"So what exactly did you have in mind?" Eric asked.

"A number of things. Buying up stock, working a few deals I've been keeping on the back burner. I've also gleaned some information on a few of his cronies that might prove useful. We may be able to turn at least a couple of them against him. In time, of course," he added. "I want to wait until he thinks you've accepted your downfall and you'll never be a threat to him again. I want him to think he's won. Knowing Edward the way we both do, I think it's safe to say that could take years. So I need to know that if you're in this with me, you're in it for the long haul."

Eric studied the depths of his drink for several moments before nodding. "I'm in, for as long as it takes."


"So what specific role did you have in mind for me to play here?"

"Well, first, I'd like you to come onboard as my new vice-president of research and development. With David leaving, the division's a mess, and I understand you're in the market for a job right now."

For a moment Eric was genuinely floored. "I-I'm flattered, but are you sure about this? There must be some better qualified candidates out there."

"You've already run an entire company that's twice the size of mine. I'd say you're qualified." Bran got up and strode to the bar, pouring himself another drink. "You needn't worry that this is suddenly going to turn into a temporary position. As far as I'm concerned, if you come aboard, you're in for the duration."

"There's a rousing recruiting speech if ever I heard one," Eric smirked, knocking back the last swallow of his Scotch as he stood up.

"I'm glad you find my proposal...inspirational." Bran set down his glass and leaned back against the heavy mahogany bar. His gaze took a leisurely stroll up and down Eric's body before settling on his lips, then he seized Eric's fine wool slacks by the belt-loops and dragged him in for a mouth-bruising kiss.